New chapter up!
GIT SOME, JENNY!So! .... New chapter up. ^^;;
The sad part about a new chapter being up is that it means we're that much closer to the end of Novel 1. Not that it's the end of the novel that makes me sad... in fact, this chapter is where I started going OH HELL YEAH WOOOOOOO \m/ every five minutes or so until the end of the novel. It's just...
... Oh you guys, I was just distracted by some downright FRIGHTENING art cycling on my other laptop. (Yep, I work on two. Believe it or not, it helps me make my ADD into something productive.) I'm not going to share what, though. Just trust me on this: there are some things I'd rather not see again, but it's just part of the hazard of posting art on y!gallery.
OH RIGHT. It's just that it's the end of an era in a way. Kind of bittersweet and all.
Oh man. I think I'd better just go to bed. Who knew that Sleepy Time tea would actually, you know, make me