I have many love for revolver.
Irk's getting awful close to finishing the first draft of P-K. I'm of two minds about this; on one hand, I'm very excited that it's almost done, but on the other... I'm deeply fond of this story and don't want it to end. Yeah, I know, there's more coming out and heck I'm writing pretty good-sized chunks of the world myself, but it's not the same.
We're pretty different writers, when you get right down to it. Beyond the basic stylistic differences, Irk and I handle the Peacock King universe in very different ways when we write. She's very much into the political intrigue, and loves exploring the plots and events and what I like to think of as the "epic storyline". I, on the other hand, do a lot of character exploration and, in the wiki, a lot of worldbuilding. I've tried to write epic storylines and intrigue, and I bore myself to DEATH when I do. I'm kind of jealous of how she writes.
Irk's storytelling captures my attention. It feels lively to me, awake and aware and very much in the moment she's describing. I, on the other hand, would set fire to what I write if I were actually capable of doing it. (I'm the same way with my art, actually. Irk literally steals what I draw to keep me from tossing it all out, and there's been more than one occasion where she's heard me shrieking at the screen and had to talk me out of completely wiping out a drawing.) I read my stuff, and most of the time feel like just destroying it all. The thing that stops me the most is knowing that Irk would never shut up about it if I did, and quite honestly, as much as I despair of ever pulling out a decently long piece of writing, there are parts of what I write that are, in my own humble estimation, brilliant.
At some point, I'm going to trick her into actively cowriting something with me. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it.
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