So, the rundown at this moment:

Chapter 18 - Conscripted

Chapter 19 - Threshold of the Tamed

Chapter 20 - In the Garden of Hespiredes

Chapter 21 - Avian Flew

Chapter 2 - Big, Mean, Nasty Dogs

Chapter 4 - Come On! It's Fun to Spy On Your Siblings.

Chapter 22 - The Harbinger
Now that I've imagespammed the heck out of this page...
I love Jax. He's one of my favorites by far, for all that he's just a giant cuddly dumbass. YAY JAX <3
I honestly can't wait until the end of this novel, just so we can have a favorite character poll. Irk wants to do it sooner, but that's just bloody unfair because my TOTAL FAVE (and therefore y'all's, too, iffen' ye know what's good fer ye) is the Judge. If she puts up the poll too soon, he won't be included, and everyone will be forced to write him in even though he's not in any posted scenes yet!
(Ha ha, guess which character I tend to write a lot of in the side-stories.)
(In fact, most of my personal faves are still Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film. DARNIT. I want to SHARE THE LOVE.)
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