and then she requested I hit Chapter 11 with this:

... so I did.
Gerald is so disturbingly hot when chained, collared, and out of his mind with durrrrrrr. I hope this doesn't say too much about my real-life kinks?
YOU GUYS YOU GUYS YOU GUYS IRK FINALLY WROTE THE JUDGE IN A SCENE. I did not pee my pants when I read it, but it was pretty damned close. I may have actually squealed out loud. I may, in fact, have squealed so loud and enthusiastically that she fell out of her chair in shock and mirth. The only thing that could possibly top that is writing a scene with the Judge and Jhe Katherine in it, but alas. That will have to wait.
I really should be writing my own stuff. I even started getting twitches to write Cambodia into a story. She's a character I came up with a few years ago when I was first toying with the idea of playing in a Shadowrun game. I ended up drawing her as a convention badge image (I think). I was doodling her and toying with a slight redesign, and then I started playing the little "what-if" games that inevitably develop into plot-bunnies, and now I'm whimpering in my comfy grey Nike pants because I'm already shoulder-deep in Averseen and dipping my toes in Splice, and those two aren't getting enough love as it is.
[For the curious, Averseen is a novella-sized and growing Peacock King-universe story, and Splice is some crap that /x/ got me thinking (and giggling) about that desperately keeps trying to be an alt-u PK story, but DAMMIT I'M ALREADY WRITING A PK STORY, I'D LIKE TO WRITE SOMETHING ORIGINAL THANKS.]
Instead of writing stories, though, I'm dicking around in the blogs and drawing pictures. Go me!
Well, now I'm going to finish my tea and head to bed. Something tells me all four cats are going to end up on me tonight... provided the Allie-cat doesn't growl and hiss the others away. She's a funny girl, that one.
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