So, another chapter, another header-art-thingie:

This time, Irk and I collaborated! What this means is she asked me to do the illustration, I said "OK!" and got to work, I got the lineart done... and went "fffffffffffffff IRK YOU COLOR THIS."
So, she did! I did the trees, though, because I get my rocks off drawing trees. And rocks. And trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and ... WATERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
If you didn't see that coming, you need to listen to more Arrogant Worms. Seriously.
I'm thinking about posting snippits of what I write, but I'm still *meeeeeeeeeeeh* about it. There's issues with things like spoilers for the most part (at least until somewhere in Novel #2), and... I don't know. I'm not entirely convinced people would be interested.
Know what the best part about the end of this novel is? I bet you can guess from the tags I'm using for this post! HEEHEEHEE.
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